How To Write A Five Paragraph Essay In A Couple Of Hours

In the world of education, the five-paragraph essay is the standard by which nearly every essay is measured. This format has become so popular that students between fourth grade and twelfth grade write these on a weekly basis. While many college professors would like to train the five-paragraph essay out of their students, this essay is a good tool to use, especially if you do not consider yourself to be a good writer. With the number of essays that students write today, they should be able to craft a five-paragraph essay in less than a hour.

Write the Thesis and Craft an Outline

The first step is to create a topic and a thesis statement. The controlling statement will be the sentence that the essay proves. Everything else should be built to support that statement. Then, you should craft a rough outline with the thesis statement being the only complete sentence that you write. The rest of the outline should be short phrases. Then, you should start to write.

Create the Introduction by Using a Hook Technique You Know

The hook is the first few sentences of the introductory paragraph. If you know the different techniques, you should use one that you are comfortable with, like writing a short anecdote or providing a series of rhetorical questions. Then, you write a few quick sentences about the topic and then end with the thesis.

Quick Body Paragraph Structure

The three body paragraphs should each have a focus that refers back to the thesis. They should have at least six sentences. Three should include facts that support the thesis, and three that explain those facts. The body paragraphs should end with a sentence that ties everything back to the topic sentence or thesis.

Conclude with Style

The conclusion should look like the introductory paragraph but written in reverse order. A restated thesis should come first, then some summarizing sentences. You should end the conclusion with a call to action or a reference back to the hook.

Learn the Process and Use It

This process is the same for every single five-paragraph essay. After you have written a few with the help of your instructor, you should be able to realize that the template never changes, only the topic changes. Therefore, you should be able to write an essay in this format in short amount of time. Otherwise, you are spending too much time creating a topic and crafting this simple style of essay.

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